Our email address is rpocpba@bellsouth.net or locally in Miami call (305) 594-2848.
Our mailing address is Retired Police Officers Council, Post Office Box 570790, Miami, FL 33257-0790.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there so many different registration paths? This helps to ease our record keeping workload. If we set up just one registration path for all members, the cost of the computer system with the ability to differentiate and segment the information would be very expensive. Not all of our registration paths require payment. Therefore, we ask the member to choose the registration path that relates to them. 

Choose the “Join the RPOC (Initial Membership)” tab if you are not currently a member. You must be an honorably retired, federal, state, county, or city law enforcement officer, correction officer, or you are a retired department employee who was employed in direct support. Your fees will not be refunded if you do not meet this criteria. 

Choose the “Pay Annual Dues (Renewals only)” tab to continue your membership. 

Choose the “Senior/Life/Honorary Members Renewal” tab to continue your membership if you are more than 75 years of age. There is no fee.

Spouses of deceased retirees may also join or continue their membership. During the registration process please list the deceased retiree in the “Spouse and/or Significant Other” block and type in (deceased) after the last name.

How do I keep my email address private? Your personal information is not shared.

How do I update my contact information? You can update your contact information (address, telephone, email, etc.) on the “Contact Us” tab.

How do I update my email address and/or receive RPOC emails? If you are currently receiving RPOC emails you can update your email address by clicking on the “Update Profile” link at the bottom of the page. If you are an RPOC member and are not currently receiving RPOC emails click on the “Join Email” tab to sign up. You may unsubscribe at any time.

What if I register to attend the Annual Reunion and then change my mind? Just let us know. You can use the “Contact Us” tab to send an email or call us at 305-594-2848 or toll free at 866-594-2848.